Driver, passengers, pedestrians, and other vehicles on the road. Using a cell phone while driving, whether it is hand-held or hands-free, drastically lowers a driver’s focus and reaction time. Cell Phone Use Policy Employers should have an organizational policy for employees’ cell phone use while driving. (In this publication, “cell phone”. A mobile telephone used by a person who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall not be deemed a 'hands-free mobile telephone' when the driver presses more than a single button to dial or answer the phone; a commercial vehicle driver is not allowed to make a phone call or use a texting device while the vehicle is temporarily stationary because.
One Distraction Can Steal Your Reaction
Every day, 9 people die in the U.S. because of distracted driving. It’s a growing epidemic… and it’s entirely preventable.
- Pledge to be the change. Join the movement to end distracted driving now.
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents leading to injury and even death.
To combat the epidemic, states across the country have implemented laws targeting distracted driving habits.
It is important to remember that even if states do not have laws directly related to distracted driving, the act of driving distracted leads to driving behavior that is illegal, such as reckless driving and other traffic violations.
Commercial Drivers—Hand-Held BanThe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) prohibits ALL commercial drivers from using hand-held mobile devices.
States A-I
- Reading or writing text messages, e-mails, and instant messages is illegal in Alabama.
- In Alabama, if you are 16 or 17 years old and have only held your license for under 6 months, it is illegal for you to use your cell phone or mobile device at any time while driving.
It is illegal to text and drive in Alaska.
- School bus drivers are banned from using cell phones while driving a school bus.
- Major cities such as Phoenix and Tucson have also adopted additional texting laws, prohibiting drivers from sending and reading texts while operating a motor vehicle.
- Texting and driving is not permitted in Arkansas.
- Drivers under 18 years old are NOT allowed to use a cell phone while driving for any reason other than an emergency.
- A Class D licensed driver who is between 18 and 20 years old can:
- Use hands-free devices while driving.
- ONLY use a hand-held device for emergencies.
- School bus drivers are PROHIBITED from using cell phones while driving.
- Drivers 21 years old and older are prohibited from using a hand-held device in any school zone or work zone.
- The Wireless Communications Device Law states NO DRIVER in California may write, send, or read text messages while behind the wheel.
- Drivers 18 years old and older may use hands-free devices while driving.
- Drivers under 18 years oldANDschool bus drivers are prohibited from using any type of mobile device while driving.
- Colorado bans all drivers from texting and driving.
- Except for emergencies, drivers under 18 years oldMAY NOT use any mobile device while driving.
- Use of any hand-held device while driving, including texting, is illegal in Connecticut.
- Drivers who are under 18 years oldCANNOT use a cell phone or other mobile device for any reason other than an emergency.
- Motorists over 18 years old may only use hands-free cell phones while driving.
- In Delaware, drivers are not allowed to use a handheld mobile device in any way (including texting and driving).
- Drivers with a Graduated Driver's License, as well as school bus drivers, are completely PROHIBITED from using mobile devices while driving.
Current Florida laws restrict some uses of wireless communication devices while operating a vehicle.
These include:
- Texting or typing on any handheld wireless communication device.
- Reading data on a wireless communication device.
- All drivers are prohibited from operating a wireless communication device or stand-alone electronic device while driving unless it is being used 'hands-free' with a voice command via an earpiece, headphone device or device worn on the wrist.
- Drivers under 18 years oldANDschool bus driversCANNOT use a wireless communication device or stand-alone electronic device while driving even if it is 'hands-free'
- It is illegal to use hand held mobile devices while driving in Hawaii.
- For drivers under 18 years old, this ban also includes hands-free devices.
It is illegal to text and drive in Idaho.
- Driving while using a hand-held device is against the law in Illinois.
- Drivers who are 19 years old and older CAN use hands-free devices while driving.
- You are not allowed to text and drive in Indiana.
- Anyone with a probationary license (issued to drivers who are under 21 years old), CANNOT use any sort of wireless device while driving whether it is hands-free or not.
- Texting while driving is illegal in Iowa.
- Any driver who is younger than 18 years oldCANNOT use a phone or other type of mobile device while driving.
States K-N
- It is against the law to text and drive in Kansas.
- Drivers with either a learner's permit OR graduated licenseMAY NOT use mobile devices at all while driving.
- All drivers are prohibited from texting and driving.
- Drivers who are under 18 years oldCANNOT use mobile devices while driving.
- Texting while driving is illegal in Louisiana.
- Drivers with a learner's permit OR an intermediate license may use hands-free devices; HOWEVER, anyone under 17 years oldMAY NOT use any type of mobile device while driving.
- It is illegal for anyone to text and drive in Maine.
- If you are under 18 years old, you are prohibited from using a cell phone while driving.
- All learner permit and intermediate license holders are banned from cell phone usage.
- The use of handheld devices while driving is against the law in Maryland.
- Drivers who hold a permit or provisional license holders and anyone younger than under 18 years oldMAY NOT use any type of mobile device while driving.
- It is illegal to text and drive in Massachusetts.
- The state also PROHIBITS anyone under 18 years old from using any type of mobile device while driving.
- It is against the law to text and drive in Michigan.
- Young drivers with either a Level 1 OR Level 2 Graduated Driver License, are NOT permitted to use mobile devices while driving.
- Texting and driving is illegal in Minnesota.
- School bus drivers ANDany driver under 18 years oldMAY NOT use any type of mobile device while driving.
- Learner permit holders, Provisional license and permit holders are banned from all cell phone usage.
- In Mississippi, it's against the law for novice drivers (intermediate license, temporary driving permit/license) to text and drive.
- School bus driversCANNOT use cell phones in any way while on the road.
Texting while driving is illegal for anyone 21 years old or younger in Missouri.
Texting while driving is illegal in certain MT municipalities, but not state-wide.
- It's against the law to text and drive in Nebraska.
- All drivers with a graduated driver's license are PROHIBITED from driving and using a hand-held mobile device in any way.
In Nevada, it's illegal to use a hand-held wireless communications device (for texting OR calling) while driving.
New Hampshire
- Any use of a hand-held mobile device while driving is illegal in New Hampshire.
- Drivers younger than 18 years oldCANNOT use cell phones while driving (including hands-free devices).
New Jersey

- New Jersey prohibits any use (texting OR talking) of a hand-held mobile device while driving.
- Additionally, drivers with any version of a graduated driver's licenseMAY NOT use a cellular device in any way (including hands-free interactions).
New Mexico
- In New Mexico, texting while driving is illegal.
- Anyone under 18 years old isPROHIBITED from using a cell phone (in any way) while driving.
New York
It's against the law to use a hand-held mobile device (texting AND talking) while driving in New York.
North Carolina
- North Carolina law prohibits texting and driving.
- Drivers under 18 years old MAY NOTuse a cell phone while driving, unless there's an emergency.
North Dakota
- In North Dakota, it's illegal to text and drive.
- Drivers who are younger than 18 years old are NOT allowed to use cell phones for any reason.
States O-W
- It's against the law to text and drive in Ohio.
- Drivers younger than 18 years oldMAY NOT use a cell phone in any way.
- Drivers over 18 years old may use a handheld device in limited scenarios. Please consult the Ohio statutes for details to be sure you are using your handheld device in accordance with Ohio law.
- Texting while driving is against the law in Oklahoma.
- Any use of a hand-held mobile device is PROHIBITED for drivers with an OK learner's permitORintermediate license.
- In Oregon, it's illegal to use a hand-held mobile device in any way (texting OR talking) while driving.
- Only drivers who are 18 years old and over can use hands-free devices while driving.
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Texting while driving is against the law in Pennsylvania.
Rhode Island
- It's illegal to text and drive in Rhode Island.
- Additionally, anyone under 18 years old is NOT allowed to use a cell phone (in any way) while driving, unless there's an emergency.
South Carolina
South Carolina law prohibits texting while driving.
South Dakota
- It's against the lawto text while driving in South Dakota.
- Those holding a SD learner's permitORrestricted minor's permitMAY NOT, in any way, use a cell phone while driving.
- Texting and driving is illegal in Tennessee.
- Drivers with a TN learner's permitORintermediate driver's licenseare PROHIBITED from using a cell phone while driving.
- Texting while driving is banned statewide in Texas.
- State laws mandate that drivers with TX learner's permits are NOT allowed to use hand-held mobile devices while driving.
- Additionally, drivers who are younger than 18 years old ANDschool bus drivers in the presence of childrenCANNOT operate a cell phone in any way while driving.
- In Utah, texting while driving is against the law.
- Drivers less than 18 years old are PROHIBITED from using a cell phone while driving, unless faced with an emergency.
- It's against the law to text and drive in Vermont.
- Drivers who are younger than 18 years old CANNOT use a cell phone at all while driving.
- Texting and driving is illegal in Virginia.
- Drivers CANNOT use a cell phone or handheld device in any way while driving.
- In Washington, it is against the law to use a hand-held communication device (for texting OR talking) while driving.
- Drivers with an intermediate driver's licenseOR a learner's permit are PROHIBITED from using cell phones (including hands-free devices) while driving.
Washington, D.C.
- In Washington D.C., it's illegal to use a hand-held mobile device while driving.
- Additionally, school bus drivers ANDlearner's permit holders are NOT allowed to use a cell phone in any way while operating a vehicle.
West Virginia
- All drivers in West Virginia are prohibited from using hand-held mobile devices (for texting AND talking) while driving.
- People younger than 18 years oldMAY NOT use a cell phone in any way while driving a motor vehicle.
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- In Wisconsin, texting and driving is illegal.
- Probationary licenseANDinstruction permit holders are PROHIBITED from using a cell phone (in any capacity) while driving.
- Finally, it's against the law to use a hand-held mobile communication device when driving through a work zone.
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- Texting while driving is against the law in Wyoming.
- If you are a new driver, you are also banned from any use of a cell phone, even if you are using a hands-free device
A recent police clampdown on driving while using hand-held mobile phones caught nearly 8,000 UK drivers in a week, ostensibly reflecting a widespread disregard of a law intended to protect all. But is using a hand-held mobile phone really that dangerous when driving?
Yes. In fact, the evidence is irrefutable. Hundreds of researchstudies have been conducted around the world, and they all agree that use of mobile phones while driving is dangerous and pervasive. Researchers have estimated that 50 minutes’ of chatter a month leads to a five-fold increase in the likelihood of a crash.
Texting and driving also appears to be a significant problem, especially among younger drivers (“generation-text”). Studies conducted in both simulators and in the real world have shown that drivers on a mobile phone reduce their visual scanning of the road ahead, are more likely to weave within their lane on bends, and are slower to respond to hazards.
It is easy to understand why using a hand-held phone is a problem: in addition to having your eye of the road, with one hand on the wheel it is harder to navigate bends and respond to hazards. For many people, this is the obvious reason why hand-held calls are banned while driving.
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But there is another problem: the act of conversation itself is a distraction. If the level of difficulty on the road demands a certain amount of driver concentration (or “cognitive processing”), but the complexity of the conversation also requires a depth of thought, then both activities will compete for a finite amount of cognitive resources. We cannot attend to everything in the world at the same time, so we must prioritise some stimuli over others. If we prioritise a conversation over road safety, then we risk a crash.
Only so much brain
One of my favourite studies in this area was undertaken by Marcel Just at Carnegie Mellon University. Participants drove along a winding road in a rudimentary simulator, controlled via a mouse, while lying in an fMRI scanner to record brain activity. In one condition, participants had to engage in a sentence comprehension task while driving, similar to engaging in a mobile phone conversation. Compared to a control trial, steering behaviour in this “dual-task” condition was much worse, with more frequent collisions with the road edges.
When they looked at brain activity, it became apparent why. In the control condition, there was a lot of activity in the parietal lobe of the brain, considered to be vital for spatial processing. During the dual task however, activation became apparent in the temporal lobes, reflecting the processing of the auditory messages. This increase in temporal-lobe activation corresponded with a significant decrease in parietal-lobe activation, clearly suggesting that the auditory task was commandeering attention, and diverting it away from the safety-critical driving task.
Many such studies have demonstrated that the demands of a meaningful conversation can account for a large amount, if not the majority, of the increased risk during driving. The obvious implication is that hands-free phone calls may be almost as dangerous as a hand-held call. This danger is less obvious to the public, especially as a ban on hand-held calls can be seen to support the “safer” hands-free alternative.
Thanks to the ban, at least drivers know they are doing something illegal and potentially dangerous when making a hand-held call, so one might hope that they moderate their driving behaviour to compensate – by slowing down, for example. But drivers who are engaged in a hands-free conversation may have a false sense of security due to the implicit support of the law for this medium.
Fans of hands-free calls may also argue that such conversations are no different to those held with a passenger in the car. The evidence, however, begs to differ. One big difference between in-car and mobile phone conversations is that the passenger can see what the driver sees. If the driver is trying to enter a fast-flowing motorway from a slip road, the passenger might, quite sensibly, shut up for a minute until the manoeuvre is complete.
The remote conversationalist, however, has no access to this “shared visual space”, and may continue talking throughout. Indeed, evidence suggests that if the driver becomes quiet at times of high demand, the remote partner may increase their level of communication to fill the silent, social void. Thus a mobile conversation can demand even more attention, at the worst possible time.
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The hand-held law is necessary and important, but if it is not combined with warnings about the dangers of hands-free calls, then it may inadvertently promote an almost equally distracting and dangerous behaviour. So if you’re tempted to make or take a hands-free call, think again. It could kill.